**Splitwise Application Summary:** Splitwise is a popular expense-tracking app that simplifies the process of managing shared expenses among groups of people. It allows users to create groups, add expenses, and track who owes what. The app features an intuitive interface, real-time syncing, and customizable settings. With its ease of use and collaborative nature, it's an effective tool for managing expenses with roommates, friends, or family members. **Splitwise API Overview:** Splitwise offers a comprehensive API that enables developers to interact with the platform and extend its functionality. The API provides access to a wide range of resources, including expenses, groups, users, and balances. It supports both traditional HTTP-based requests and webhooks for real-time event monitoring. The API adheres to industry-standard security practices and enforces rate limits to ensure optimal performance. By leveraging the API, developers can create custom integrations, automate expense tracking processes, and enhance the user experience within their own applications.
100 requests per minute
500 requests per minute
1000 requests per minute
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