RowShare is a cloud-based data collaboration platform that enables secure and efficient sharing of large datasets. It provides a centralized repository for data, allowing multiple users to access, analyze, and collaborate on the same data in real-time. RowShare's intuitive interface and robust security features make it easy for users to manage data access permissions, track data usage, and ensure data integrity. With RowShare, organizations can streamline data sharing processes, improve collaboration, and accelerate data-driven decision-making. RowShare API Overview: The RowShare API provides programmatic access to the RowShare platform, enabling developers to integrate RowShare functionality into their applications. The API is well-documented, with comprehensive documentation available online. It offers a range of REST APIs that allow developers to perform various operations, such as creating and managing datasets, inviting users, and controlling data access permissions. Additionally, RowShare provides Webhooks, which allow developers to receive notifications for specific events, such as when a dataset is updated or a new user is added. To ensure optimal performance, RowShare implements rate limits to prevent excessive API usage.
100 API calls per day
1,000 API calls per day
5,000 API calls per day
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We do our best to ensure that the data we release is complete, accurate, and useful. However, because we are not able to verify all the data, and because the processing required to make the data useful is complex, we cannot be held liable for omissions or inaccuracies.