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Prompt Hunt API Documentation

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API Overview

Prompt Hunt is a web and mobile application that helps users find and share writing prompts. Users can browse through a library of prompts, filter by category or keyword, and save their favorites. They can also create their own prompts and share them with others. The app includes a built-in writing tool that allows users to start writing immediately. Prompt Hunt is a great tool for writers of all levels, from beginners to experienced authors. The Prompt Hunt API provides programmatic access to the Prompt Hunt platform. The API allows developers to build applications that can create, read, update, and delete prompts. The API also provides access to the Prompt Hunt library, allowing developers to search for prompts by category or keyword. The API is documented in Swagger and includes examples in multiple languages. The API supports REST APIs, Webhooks, and rate limits. The API is subject to the Prompt Hunt Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

Rate Limits

Free Plan

100 requests per day

Pro Plan

1,000 requests per day

Business Plan

10,000 requests per day




Country HQ

API Type



Prompt Marketplaces


Important URLs

Last Updated on


Created At



No screenshots available

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