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Pinterest API Documentation

Pinterest is the world’s catalog of ideas that more than 100 million people around the world use every month to get more creative in their everyday lives. Save images and videos ("Pins") to curated collections ("Boards") from any website, or upload your own. Build your online presence and grow your audience by sharing your visual catalog, and track what your audience thinks through their Likes and repins.


API Overview

Pinterest is a visual discovery engine that allows users to find and share creative ideas. Users can browse through millions of pins, which are images or videos that are organized into boards. Pinterest also allows users to create their own boards and follow other users. The Pinterest app is available for free on iOS and Android devices. It is also accessible through the Pinterest website. Pinterest API Overview: The Pinterest API allows developers to access Pinterest data and functionality. The API is RESTful and provides access to endpoints for managing pins, boards, users, and other Pinterest objects. The API documentation is available online and includes code samples in multiple programming languages. Pinterest also provides a variety of webhooks that allow developers to receive real-time notifications about Pinterest events. The API is subject to rate limits to prevent abuse. Developers can view their current rate limit status in the API dashboard.

Rate Limits


1000 requests per hour


20,000 requests per hour


Custom limits available




Country HQ

API Type





Important URLs

Last Updated on


Created At



No screenshots available

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