Account Request URL
-Base Endpoint
Events API
Send events for your app to track activities and measure engagement.
Events API
Retrieve an event from your app.
Groups API
Retrieve groups to which an entity belongs.
Profiles API
Retrieve a profile entity.
Profiles API
or delete profiles.
Profiles API
Update a profile entity.
Personas API
Retrieve a profile segment.
Personas API
Create a new persona.
Personas API
Delete a profile segment.
Dashboards API
Retrieve the details of a dashboard.
Dashboards API
Create a new dashboard.
Dashboards API
Update an existing dashboard.
Reports API
Retrieve an existing report.
Reports API
Create an ad-hoc report.
Reports API
Update an existing ad-hoc report.
Funnels API
Retrieve a funnel.
Funnels API
Create a new funnel.
Funnels API
Update an existing funnel.
Experiments API
Retrieve a Split Test experiment.
Experiments API
Create a new Split Test experiment.
Experiments API
Update an existing Split Test experiment.
Segmentation API
Retrieve a segment.
Segmentation API
Create a new segment.
Segmentation API
Update an existing segment.
Automations API
Retrieve an automation.
Automations API
Create a new automation.
Automations API
Update an existing automation.
Trigger Campaigns API
Retrieve a trigger campaign.
Trigger Campaigns API
Delete a trigger campaign.
Trigger Campaigns API
Create a new trigger campaign.
Trigger Campaigns API
Update an existing trigger campaign.
Survey API
Retrieve a survey.
Survey API
Create a new survey.
Survey API
Delete a survey.
Survey API
Update an existing survey.
Webhooks API
Create a new webhook.
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Important URLs
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We do our best to ensure that the data we release is complete, accurate, and useful. However, because we are not able to verify all the data, and because the processing required to make the data useful is complex, we cannot be held liable for omissions or inaccuracies.