Account Request URL
-Base Endpoint
Search businesses by name
or phone
Search for businesses that match the specified criteria.
Get business details by ID
Retrieve detailed information about a specific business.
Get reviews for a business
Retrieve reviews for a specific business.
Create or update a review
Create or update a review for a specific business.
business_id, rating, review_text, author_name
Delete a review
Delete a specific review for a business.
business_id, review_id
Get list of categories
Retrieve a list of all categories that businesses can be classified into.
Get businesses by category
Search for businesses that belong to a specific category.
Get list of attributes
Retrieve a list of all attributes that businesses can have.
Get businesses by attribute
Search for businesses that have a specific attribute.
Get business hours
Retrieve the business hours for a specific business.
Get business photos
Retrieve photos for a specific business.
Get business events
Retrieve events for a specific business.
Create or update a business
Create or update a business.
name, address, phone, category_id, attributes, hours, photos, events
Delete a business
Delete a specific business.
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We do our best to ensure that the data we release is complete, accurate, and useful. However, because we are not able to verify all the data, and because the processing required to make the data useful is complex, we cannot be held liable for omissions or inaccuracies.