Google Ad Manager is a comprehensive advertising management platform that enables publishers to manage their ad inventory, deliver targeted ads, and track campaign performance. It offers a range of features, including ad serving, yield optimization, reporting and analytics, and fraud protection. Publishers can use Ad Manager to maximize their ad revenue, improve the user experience, and gain insights into their audience. The Google Ad Manager API provides programmatic access to the Ad Manager platform. It allows developers to automate tasks, integrate Ad Manager with other systems, and build custom applications. The API offers a comprehensive set of REST APIs that cover all aspects of Ad Manager functionality, including ad serving, reporting, and user management. Additionally, the API supports webhooks for real-time notifications and rate limiting to ensure fair and efficient usage. The API documentation provides detailed information on all aspects of the API, including code samples and tutorials to help developers get started.
Free Plan
100 requests per day
Standard Plan
1,000 requests per day
Premium Plan
5,000 requests per day
Country HQ
API Type
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